Sen Mei

This is Sen Mei’s personal homepage.


I am a second-year Computer Science master student at Northeastern University. I am fortunate to be advised by Associate Professor Zhenghao Liu. Currently, I am doing a research internship in the OpenMatch Group in Natural Language Processing Lab at Tsinghua University (THUNLP), working with Associate Professor Chenyan Xiong from Carnegie Mellon University.

My research interests include recommendation system and multimodal llm pretraining.


(*indicates equal contribution)

Sen Mei*, Zhenghao Liu*, Chenyan Xiong, Xiaohua Li, Shi Yu, Zhiyuan Liu, Yu Gu and Ge Yu. Text Matching Improves Sequential Recommendation by Reducing Popularity Biases. CIKM 2023. (Paper / Code)

Sen Mei*, Tianshuo Zhou*, Xinze Li, Zhenghao Liu, Chenyan Xiong, Zhiyuan Liu, Yu Gu and Ge Yu. Unlock Multi-Modal Capability of Dense Retrieval via Visual Module Plugin. ArXiv 2023.10. (Paper / Code)